100% of your donation goes towards providing a great experience for the kids and our community!
The Fox Point East Side Little League provides boys and girls between the ages of 4 and 12 with an
opportunity to learn and play baseball, make connections with their peers, and get physically active.
To operate, Fox Point East Side Little League relies on volunteers and important partners like you.
As a sponsor, your business will receive exposure to families and fans throughout Providence, East
Providence, Rumford, Pawtucket, Cranston, and Riverside. We also publicize our sponsors through cross-
promotion on the Fox Point East Side Little League webpage and social media platforms.
For the 2025 season, sponsorship options are:
- $600 for Sign Sponsor: Outfield sign at the Gano Street Field – 4 ft x 8 ft sign with content of your choice
- $650 for Team Sponsor: A team named after your company, with the company name on the uniforms
- $850 for Combination Package: Team Sponsor and Sign Sponsor as described above
In recent years, sponsorship funds have contributed to:
- Equipment,
- Facility upgrades,
- Need based scholarships for season fees,
- Assisting our neighboring Little Leagues
If you are able to sponsor a sign, team, or combination sign/team, please complete the Sponsorship
Form and send to Moshe Berman, Sponsorship Coordinator for FPESLL, at [email protected].
Download the Sponsorship Form here.
The sponsorship check can be sent to Fox Point East Side Little League, PO Box 603284, Providence, RI
If you have any questions about sponsorship, please contact Moshe Berman at
[email protected].
Thank you for your consideration and generosity to the children of the Fox Point East Side Little League.